Teaching Private International Law On-Line: The Millenium Platform

The so-called Bologna Process has brought important adjustments to the Spanish universities (for the better?). Among the most visible changes we find a dramatic increase in the number of teaching hours, to the clear detriment of research; and the requirement to introduce methodological developments in the way we teach. We are witnessing a widespread use of “virtual classrooms”, reconverting classroom teaching in on-line teaching. For those who have been trained, both as students and as teachers, in lectures with physical class attendance, managing the virtual resources and new technologies is not always evident. In the specific field of Private International Law guidance may be found in the teaching platform Millenium, an initiative originating in coordinated teaching innovation projects of the Universities of Zaragoza and Murcia. The platform has been designed exclusively for teaching Private International Law as a pioneering project in legal education, led and coordinated by professors Javier Carrascosa (University of Murcia) and Mª Pilar Diago (University of Zaragoza). Millennium is offered in open source in levels one and two, and it also has coverage in social networks like Twitter and Facebook. All those interested to participate in the fascinating world of legal education in private international law through new technologies are invited; the activities for this academic year (2012-2013) have already started.

For further information please contact:

Prof. Dr. Javier Carrascosa González ( carras@um.es ); Prof. Dr. Mª Pilar Diago Diago (mpdiago@unizar.es)