Skopje Conference on impact of EU PIL on local laws

The conference “Recent trends in European Private International Law – Challenges for the national legislations of the South East European countries” is held in Skopje, Macedonia on 24 September 2011. This is the 9th conference in the series of regional private international law conferences, the most recent being announced here. This conference will gather number of private international lawyers who prepare to discuss questions related to impact the European Union codifications in the field have on their national laws as well as issues that arise in the context of European integration. The program is below:

9:00 am to 9:45 am Registration of the participants
9:45 am to 10:00 am Opening of the conference
10:00 am to 11:15 am I panel General issues of private international law

Mirko Zivkovic, PhD, University Nis


11:15 am to 11:30 am Coffee break

11:30 am to 1:00 pm II panel Integration of EU PIL into national PIL codifications of the region (conflict of laws)

Zlatan Meskic, PhD, University of Zenica
“Integration of EU Private International law into national PIL codifications of the region”

Mirela Župan, PhD, University of Osijek
“Normiranje mjerodavnog prava za osobno ime – novina budu?eg hrvatskog Zakona o me?unarodnom privatnom pravu” / “Regulating cross border personal name issues – novelty of new Croatian PIL code ”

Ivana Kunda, PhD, University of Rijeka
“Intellectual Property Contracts in EU Conflict of Laws”


1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Lunch at University Restaurant

2:00 pm to 3:45 pm III panel Integration of EU PIL into national PIL codifications of the region (influence of EU civil procedure)

Ales Galic, PhD, University of Ljubljana
“Uredba Brisel 1 – temelj evropskog gra?anskog procesnogprava / The Brussels I Regulation – the Cornerstone of the European Civil Procedure”

Vesna Lazic, PhD, University of Utrecht
“The Commission’s Proposal to Revise the EC Jurisdiction Regulation: the amendment of the lis pendens rule and of the arbitration exception”

Evangelos Vassilakakis, PhD, Aristotle University Thessaloniki
“The Unification of European Procedural Law and its Impact on Agency and Distributorship Agreements”

Vesna Tomljenovic, PhD, University of Rijeka
“Forum of necessity – novelty in the new Croatian PIL Act”

Jasmina Alihodzic, PhD, University of Tuzla
“Pravila o me?unarodnoj nadležnosti kod pojedina?nih ugovora o radu u pravu Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine” / “International jurisdiction for individual employment contracts in EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Gjorgje Krivokapic LLM, University of Belgrade, and Ugljesa Grusic LLM, London School of Economics
“Zasto Srbija treba da pristupi Haskoj konvenciji o sporazumima o nadleznosti suda?” / “Why should Serbia access Hague Choice of Court Convention?”

Sanja Marjanovic, PhD, University of Nis,
“Jurisdikcioni imunitet strane drzave izmedju unutrasnjeg i medjunarodnog prava” / “Jurisdictional immunity of a foreign state – between domestic and international law”

Apostolos Anthimos, PhD, Panelist at the CAC for .eu ADR, Greece
Online Dispute Resolution – The .eu ADR Paradigm


3:45 pm to 4:00 pm Coffee break

4:00 pm to 4:45 pm IV panel Conflict of laws on property

Slavko Djordjevic, PhD, University of Kragujevac
“Merodavno pravo za stvarnopravne odnose sa elementom inostranosti – de lege lata i de lege ferenda” / “Determining applicable law for Property Relations with foreign element – de lege lata and de lege ferenda”


4:45 pm to 5:15 pm

Christa Yesell Holst, GIZ
“Support to development of draft laws and model solutions in the field of Private International Law (Closing of the component)”

5:15 pm Closing of the conference

8:30 pm Dinner at National Restaurant “Dukat”