International Maritime Law Conference on the Croatian Islands of Brijuni

The Institute of European and Comparative Law of the Rijeka Law Faculty, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, The Croatian Comparative Law Association, the Croatian Maritime Law Association, and the Croatian Justice Academy organise the conference “The Resolution of International Maritime Disputes within the European and International Legal Framework”. The conference will take place on 2 and 3 June 2011 on the Islands of Brijuni, one of the Croatian National Parks.

This is the second international scientific conference dedicated to the memory of one of the most prominent Croatian private international lawyers and the University of Rijeka Rector and Professor of Law Petar Sarcevic (the first conference was reported here). This event will gather number of international experts to discuss various topics in the fields of European law, private international law, international procedural law, and maritime law. The conference program is available here. Working languages are Croatian and English, with simultaneous translation provided throughout the event.

Applications are received at:, where any additional information concerning the conference may be obtained as well. The hotel inquiries and reservations should be addressed to: