Swiss Book on the Resolution of IP Disputes

The second volume of the Series of books on intellectual property law of the University of Geneva was recently released. It comprises the papers (either in English or in French) which were written for the conference of intellectual property law of February 8, 2010 which was devoted to the theme Resolution of intellectual property disputes/La résolution des litiges de propriété intellectuelle.

The book, which was edited by Jacques de Werra, a professor of law at the University of Geneva, includes the following papers:

  • Joost Pauwelyn, The Dog That Barked But Didn’t Bite: 15 Years of Intellectual Property Disputes at the WTO
  • Pierre Véron, Le contentieux de la propriété industrielle en Europe : état des lieux, stratégies et perspectives
  • Edouard Treppoz, Les litiges internationaux de propriété intellectuelle et le droit international privé
  • Julie Bertholet & Pierre-Alain Killias, La création de juridictions spécialisées : l’exemple du Tribunal fédéral des brevets
  • Torsten Bettinger, ICANN’s New gTLD Program: Applicant Guidebook and Dispute Resolution
  • Bernard Hanotiau, L’arbitrabilité des litiges de propriété intellectuelle
  • Sarah Theurich, Designing Tailored Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property: the Experience of WIPO

The full table of contents can be found here.

The book can be ordered here.