Volume 3, Issue 2, Journal of Private International Law

jprivintl.jpgThe October 2007 issue (Vol. 3, Issue 2) of the Journal of Private International Law has just been published. The contents are (click on the links to view the abstracts on the Hart Publishing website):


Enforcement of Foreign Non-Monetary Judgments in Canada (and Beyond) by Stephen G.A. Pitel

Habitual Residence and Brussells IIbis: Developing Concepts for European Private International Family Law by Ruth Lamont

China’s Codification of the Conflict of Laws: Publication of a Draft Text by Weidong Zhu

Exclusionary Principles and the Judgments Regulation by Andrew Scott

Mere Presence and International Competence in Private International Law by Richard Frimpong Oppong

Review Articles

Chasing the Dream: the Quest for Solutions to International Insolvencies: Insolvency in Private International Law by IF Fletcher by Donna McKenzie Skene

Order, Illumination and Influence: Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws, Fourteenth Edition General Editor: L Collins by Mary Keyes

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